Josh is an ordinary teen living in an ordinary suburb, wedged between the high school, the mine and the skate park. One morning, he finds his friend Thomas’s dead body. Next, he discovers that three more friends also killed themselves, leaving him out of their pact. As the sole survivor, Josh becomes more and more detached from the world around him. Only Mia, his best friend’s girl, can reach him. With more questions than answers, Josh’s is the story of a survivor. It is a modern portrait of today’s teens: invincible yet fragile, clear-thinking yet confused, idealistic yet jaded.
Berlin International Film Festival, Germany, 7-17 Février 2008
Seattle International Film Festival, USA, 22-27 Mai 2008
*Winner : New Director’s Showcase Award
Taipei International Film Festival, Taiwan, 20 Juin au 7 Juillet 2008
Giffoni Film Festival, Italy, 18-27 Juillet 2008
*Winner: ARCA Enel Award, Youth Cinema
Melbourne International Film Festival, Australia, 25 Juillet au 11 Aout 2008
Monterey International Film Festival, Monterrey, Mexico, 15-24 Aout 2008
Festival d’Angoulême, France, 27 Aout au 24 Septembre 2008, Prix: Best Actor Maxime Dumontier
Chungmuro Film Festival, Seoul, South Korea, 3-12 Septembre 2008
BUSTER Copenhagen International Film Festival, Denmark, 19-27 Septembre 2008
Festival du Film Francophone de Namur, Belgium, 26 Septembre au 4 Octobre 2008
*Winner: Best Script
Mill Valley Film Festival, USA, 2-13 Octobre 2008
Viennale International Film Festival, Austria, 17-30 Octobre 2008
Pamplona Film Festival, Italy, 6-12 Novembre 2008
Denver International Film Festival, USA, 13-24 Novembre 2008
Thessaloniki International Film Festival, Greece, 14-24 Novembre 2008
Cinéma du Quebec à Paris, France, 27 Novembre au 3 Decembre 2008
Ale Kino, Poland, 12-21 Decembre 2008
Göteborg International Film Festival, Sweden, 23 Janvier au 2 Février 2009
International Film Festival in Trondheim, Norway, 5-10 Mars 2009
BUFF Film Festival, Sweden, 10-14 Mars 2009
Festival du Film Francophone, Athens, Greece, 2-15 Avril 2009
Wild Cinema Windhoek International Film Festival, Namibia, 17-26 Avril 2009