
Run Times:
78 min
Molly Parker, Tracy Wright, Don McKellar
Bruce McDonald
Daniel MacIvor
Plot Summary

Victoria Sawchyn and Kathryn Lake are friends from childhood who started a neighbourhood band together. Sticking to their rock n‘roll dream, they continued to trade up bands until they began to have real success with a hit single and a European tour. On the tour, the band imploded, due to egos, drugs and rock & roll. Now it’s 10 years later and a local record label is having a benefit concert to honor women in rock; Vic and Kat are expected to attend. They meet for dinner and it is clear that, although there is a desire to make amends, it’s unclear to each of the women who really needs to apologize. As we travel with them on a trip to the concert and a late night after-party, their stories are revealed and the true nature of their friendship is discovered.

Festivals and Awards

Toronto International Film Festival, Canada, September 2010

Jeonju International Film Festival, South Korea, April 2011

Sydney’s Canadian Film Festival, Australia, August 2011

Monterrey Film Festival, Mexico, August 2011

National Cinematheque, Mexico, September 2011

Biennale Maple Movies, Germany, September 2011

Queer Film Festival Mezipatra, Czech Republic, November 2011

Mardi Gras Film Festival, Australia, February 2012

Brisbane Queer Film Festival, Australia, April 2012

Torino GLBT Film Festival, Italy, April 2012