Petite Reine: Downfall of a Champion

Run Times:
97 min
French (w. English Subtitles)
Laurence Lebœuf, Patrice Robitaille, Denis Bouchard
Alexis Durand-Brault
Sophie Lorain, Catherine Léger
Plot Summary

Based on a true story, PETITE REINE follows Julie, a young cycling star, two races away from winning the World Cup – her reward for years of intense training. Then Julie is denounced for doping. Alone and with no knowledge of the world outside the realm of racing, Julie must find a way out. The problem: while she has been ruthlessly manipulated by others, Julie is nevertheless guilty as charged.

Festivals and Awards

Festival du Film Francophone d’Angoulême, France, August 2014

Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur, Belgium, October 2014

French Cinema Now, USA, October 2014

Cinéma du Québec à Paris, France, November 2014

FrancOfilm Festival, UAE, March 2015

Focus on French Cinema, USA, March 2015

Berkshire International Film Festival, USA, May 2015