
Run Times:
103 min
English, French (w. English Subtitles)
Marie-Josée Croze, François Papineau, Natar Ungalaq
Benoit Pilon
Benoit Pilon
Plot Summary

Travelling to the Arctic for the first time, Carmen arrives in Iqaluit to tend to her husband, Gilles, a construction worker who has been seriously injured. Trying to get to the bottom of what happened, she strikes up a friendship with Noah, Gilles’ Inuk friend, and realizes they share a similar story. Together, Carmen and Noah head out on the Frobisher Bay – she, looking for answers to her questions; he, trying to stop his son from committing what can’t be undone.

Festivals and Awards

Festival Film by the Sea, Netherlands, September 2016

Filmfest Hamburg, Germany, September 2016

Mill Valley Film Festival, USA, October 2016

American Indian Film Festival, USA, November 2016

International Film Festival Mannheim-Heidelberg, Germany, November 2016

Canadian Film Week Celebrates Diversity, Greece, February 2017

Quebec Cine, Mexico, February 2017

Month of the Francophonie, Tunisia, March 2017

Beijing Film Festival, China, April 2017

Festival International du Film Policier de Liège, Belgium, May 2017

Festival des Films Québécois à Cannes, France, December 2017

Canadian Film Festival in Madrid, Spain, January 2018

Francophone Film Festival of Reykjavik, Iceland, January 2017

Tournées France Québec, France, March 2018