Five of Us, The

Drama, Thriller
Run Times:
82 min
Jacinthe Laguë, Julie Deslauriers, Ingrid Falaise, Brigitte LaFleur, Noémie Yelle
Ghyslaine Côté
Chantal Cadieux
Plot Summary

Manon Cloutier, 32, accepts a dinner invitation from her colleague Stéphane Lebeau. Romance is on the menu! A few days later, still aglow from this fledgling relationship, Manon is at a carwash when she becomes completely distraught at the glimpse of a man with tattooed arms. Terrified, Manon hurries home and doublebolts the door. So begins a series of flashbacks. She remembers a summer day, when she was 17, when she and her girlfriends, Anne, Claudie, Isa and Sophie, are getting ready for a party at Sophie’s cottage. She remembers how much fun they used to have together… and she remembers the young tattooed man who gave her a lift in his Jeep as she hitchhiked on the very night of the party.